It’s Time To Choose
I recently found myself in the position of having time. How I have this time is not important. But as I use this time, I found myself thinking about how I actually use time. I can use the time to worry. Or I can use the time to wonder. Or I can do everything I can with it, it’s really up to me. So today I started weeding the front (which was near jungle-status. It was so bad, Axl Rose would jump out and scream, “You know where you are?!” It’s a dumb joke, but it’s mine. I’ve used it before, I’ll use it again. But that’s besides the point.)
See, I managed to cut down a nice section of weeds and found an area half-clear alongside another, half-wild. And it struck me… I shouldn’t look at the area that is still covered, still overgrown, wild, unruly and generally unpleasant, and wonder, “What did I do to deserve this?”
Nope. I need to get down and get busy, to get my hands in there and start digging, and tell myself, “What can I do to earn that?”
Because this? This is what was… but that, that’s what can be.
And that’s what matters.